There comes a time in the life of every man when he will reach his lowest point. It can come at any stage in his life, childhood, middle age or his deathbed, but for every man it’s caused by the exact same event: the moment when he realises that he will never become the world's strongest man. Even men who have never expressed any interest in becoming the strongest man in the world will, for a moment, find themselves heartbroken. It’s the moment when they realise that everything is no longer possible and it’s all downhill from now. The worst sufferers are the 40 year old weak men who have been consciously aware of their limited strength all their lives, but had often convinced themselves that if they ever needed to they could become simply put in the work to become mighty. Nine times out of ten they’ll come to this realisation on their 40th birthday, which will not only ruin the day, but the next thirty years. This is why it’s important to make it very clear to children that they will never become the world’s strongest man. Now go forth and tell every child you can find before it’s too late.

Roman, Oxford.

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